Let’s Talk Entertainment

By Rachel Galvin (Photo above: Celebs, local dignitaries & the Berman Law Group team enjoyed the TBT Magazine Launch on
By Rachel Galvin (Pictured above: The Automat appealed to everyone, including stars like Audrey Hepburn). Affordable, futuristic, fascinating, convenient... these
By Rachel Galvin Imagine taking a trip to a land where something new and fun awaited behind every door? That
By Rachel Galvin Swoosh...Swoosh… the sound of skiis on snow… both forceful and effortless, the prowess of skiier Lyz Lopez
By Rachel Galvin Joe Bell (Mark Wahlberg) walks a walk of penance in this film named after his moniker. It
By Rachel Galvin Living is not always easy, it seems, in the Los Angeles portrayed by the poetic musical “Summertime,”
Photo courtesy of Roadside Attractions By Rachel Galvin With tenacity and grit, Rita Moreno managed to find a place for
By Rachel Galvin Stills by Peter Nemeshazi/ JDog Films At heart, this is a story about a boy and his
By Rachel Galvin As the Cuban Missle crisis ramps up, Grenville Wynne, an unassuming English salesman played by Bernadict Cumberbatch,
By Rachel Galvin Heart and soul, JD Danner brings her rock & roll spirit to every performance she does. At